
This postgraduate certificate in Counselling Skills, Theories and Self-Awareness is designed as part of a cohesive and progressive study program, leading to Master of Arts.

A feature of all three stages of the course is the focus on reflection and developing learners’ self-awareness, so as to be able to apply their learning for both personal and professional development.


Completion of the three stages of the program will prepare learners for a professional career in the Counselling and Helping Professions.


Key Info

Duration: 6 months*

Start: Monthly

Prerequisites: Bachelor’s degree in the same or related discipline, or equivalent


Who is this for?

The first stage of the program, the Post Graduate Certificate in Counselling Skills, Theories and Self Awareness will appeal to learners who are interested in incorporating counselling skills and theories into their existing professional practice and will appeal particularly but not exclusively to teachers, nurses, social workers, faith-leaders, police officers, parents, line managers, workers in the charity and voluntary sectors and anyone interested in enhancing their interpersonal effectiveness and self-awareness in their professional and private lives.


How will I learn?

The course has been designed to involve roughly 1200 hours of study. Successful completion of the Post Graduate Certificate leads to the award of 40 ECTS points. This award provides the entry point to the Post Graduate Diploma in Counselling Skills, Theories and Self-Awareness.

The PG Cert in Counselling Skills, Theories and Self-Awareness provides an overview of the evolution and development of four leading approaches to counselling (Humanistic, Psychodynamic, Cognitive-Behavioural and Transpersonal) demonstrating a wide range of theories, tools and techniques which participants will be able to utilize to enhance their self-awareness and personal development and to incorporate within their own professional practice.


What will I learn?

Learners will have to complete the four (4) core modules below. Each module is 10 ECTS points. Learners must accumulate a total of 40 ECTS points to graduate.

CNS700: Introduction to Humanistic Counselling Skills and Theories. 

An Overview of the Skills, Theories and Self-Awareness Techniques of:

  • Abraham Maslow: An Exploration of the drive towards self-Actualization
  • Martin Buber: The Characteristics of an I-Thou Relationship.
  • Carl Rogers: The Core Conditions of the Person-Centred Approach.
  • Fritz and Laura Perls: Gestalt Therapy for Awareness and Completion of Unfinished Business.
CNS703: Introduction to Psychodynamic Counselling Skills and Theories

An Overview of the Skills, Theories and Self-Awareness Techniques of:

  • Sigmund Freud: Psychoanalysis; the original ‘Talking Cure’.
  • Carl Jung: Analytical Psychology and the Archetypes of the Collective Unconscious.
  • Melanie Klein: Object Relations Theory and the Primacy of Attachment, Frustration and Rejection.
  • Alfred Adler: Individual Psychology, Social Interest and the Inferiority Complex.
CNS705: Introduction to Cognitive-Behavioural Counselling Skills and Theories

An Overview of the Skills, Theories and Self-Awareness Techniques of:

  • Joseph Wolpe: Behaviour Therapy, Progressive Desensitization, Flooding and the Token Economy.
  • Aaron Beck: Cognitive Therapy and the role of Negative Automatic Thoughts.
  • Albert Ellis: Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy and the A-B-C Model of Emotional Disturbance.
CNS708: Introduction to Transpersonal Counselling Skills and Theories 

An Overview of the Skills, Theories and Self-Awareness Techniques of:

  • Roberto Assagioli: Psychosynthesis, the Higher Self, Sub-Personalities and the Quest for Wholeness.
  • Viktor Frankl: Logotherapy and the Search for Meaning and Purpose. The importance of Creative, Experiential and Attitudinal Values.


Fees refer to tuition only. It does not include ancillary expenses such as required materials (see above), textbooks, internet connections, postage, telephone calls, insurance and printing. 


Time varies depending upon exemptions, performance and the workload. Accreditation for Prior Learning or Experience (APEL) can reduce time and fees. Part of a degree pathway.

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